HEXAH's Impact
HEXAH actively works with key partners to create community-first projects by leveraging its multi-functional approach and expertise. A well-developed understanding of policies enables HEXAH to nurture unique public-private partnerships so that developments uplift every member of the community.

Future Project Highlight

Unlocking Affordable Housing in the historic
JJ Seabrook Neighborhood
- Add 264 housing units in East Austin, prioritizing affordability in an increasingly unaffordable area
- Support unhoused individuals through housing assistance and on-site resources
- Preserve East Austin's culture while uplifting artists and supporting the community with 10 live-work units on site for artists
Problem Overview
Seabrook Square was initiated to address the need for sustainable,
affordable, and diverse
housing options in East Austin. With an ever growing housing crisis, Austin has
supply to meet the increasing demand. The National Low-Income Housing Coalition found
nation-wide there are only 37 affordable rental homes available for every 100 extremely
low-income renting households. Despite increases in construction material, Capital A
is focused on building value-efficient housing and not only helping the community with
housing but also indirect employment. Seabrook Square will offer spaces that are
to planting the foundation for a supportive and unified community.
Capital A Housing integrates the concepts of affordable housing and well-being with
expertise in curating residential spaces in close proximity to local food banks and
healthcare. They have partnered with the National Housing Partnership Foundation (NHP
Foundation) which provides sustainable, affordable housing, and Integral Care which
communities in regaining health. As a real estate developer in the Austin community,
A Housing holds a sharp understanding of the neighborhood and city as well.

The proposal was
divided into three subcategories of priorities to break down the needs of each
goal; affordable housing, social service, and community. The affordable housing
included maximizing the amount of affordable housing and Permanent Support Housing
units with on-site support services. The social service priorities entailed the
necessity of
the on-site support to work to the highest potential. The community priorities
the need of a public ground floor, which will have social services like PSH,
kitchens, lounge spaces to create a sense of community for those experiencing
transition. In addition there will be more community spaces in the complex like
spaces for businesses operating in the neighborhood and more. Capital A Housing aims
integrate the development, practicing environmental sustainability, accessibility to
spaces, and displaying art from local artists.
Planned for construction in
East Austin in
the JJ Seabrook Neighborhood, Seabrook Square will consist of 4 residential
buildings nested
into green spaces and active transportation linkages. The amenities for the property
an on-site parking garage, open community spaces to encourage engagement, and public